Hey guys! It's my birthday today, and to celebrate I decided to design a series of desktop/mobile phone wallpaper images.
I was feeling really inspired by that great horned owl I drew last week and wanted to do something owl-related but also with a subtle geometric influence (hence the name "Owletry"). If you follow me on instagram you may have even seen my design sketch!
Without further ado, my piece "Owletry":
The final desktop image I made (this one is sized for my older Macbook Pro)
You can download the different sized images here:
Open the image and then set the desktop/background image as you normally do for your device (you can google instructions if you're not sure or can't remember).
Now I'm gonna go enjoy my day with some corgi walks, some siamese cat naps, and then fancy mexican food!
How do you guys like to spend your birthday? Leave a comment so I can get ideas for next year!